Necessary Steps to Take When Your Water Heater is Leaking
Plumbing services

A leaking water heater can be more than just a nuisance; it can potentially lead to significant water damage, mold growth, and even structural problems if not handled swiftly and properly. Taking the right steps can go a long way in preventing a minor leak from escalating into a costly repair. In this study, we’ll explore the necessary steps to take when you discover a leak in your water heater and provide guidance on addressing it effectively.

Assess the Situation

When you notice your water heater leaking, the first thing to do is assess the source and severity of the leak. Sometimes, what appears to be a leak is condensation, which is normal in certain conditions. However, if you’ve confirmed that it’s a leak, you need to gauge whether it’s a small drip, steady flow, or full burst. This initial assessment will inform you of your immediate actions and whether you need to call in a professional right away.

If you have accessed a leak in your water heater, you can immediately call a professional, like our team at Dial One Sonshine, for 24/7 emergency water heater services and support at or if you are comfortable proceeding to shut off the power, you can proceed to these steps. We still highly recommend contacting a licensed plumbing professional once you have detected a leak. You can reach our water heater specialists 24/7 at (714) 826-5113.

Turn Off the Power Supply

For Electric Water Heaters:

Ensure your safety by turning off the power supply to your water heater. Head to your circuit breaker box and switch off the breaker assigned to the water heater.

For Gas Water Heaters:

If you have a gas water heater, find the thermostat and turn it to the “off” position. Do not confuse the thermostat with the gas shut-off valve. You only need to turn off the thermostat at this stage.

Shut Off the Water Supply

To prevent further leakage, locate the cold-water inlet pipe, which should have a shut-off valve. Turn this valve clockwise to close it. If the leak is severe and you can’t reach the valve without risking injury, you may need to shut off the main water valve for your house.

Drain the Water Heater

If the leak is significant and the area is safe to work in, you may need to drain the water heater to prevent further damage. Attach a garden hose to the drain valve at the bottom of the tank, and run it to a lower area where hot or rusty water won’t cause damage. Open the drain valve, and allow the tank to empty completely.

Inspect the Water Heater

Conduct a visual inspection while your water heater is being drained or if the leak is small. Look for obvious signs of where the leak may be coming from. Common sources include the temperature and pressure relief valve, the heater’s tank, the drain valve, and the pipe connections.

Contact a Professional

Water heater repair often requires a skilled technician. Once you’ve taken all the necessary preliminary steps, it’s time to call in a professional plumber who specializes in water heater-related services. Provide them with all the details of what you have encountered and your actions so far.

Review Your Water Heater’s Age and Condition

While you wait for a professional, take the time to review the age and condition of your water heater. These units typically last around 8-12 years. If yours is older or if you have been experiencing ongoing issues, it might be more cost-effective to consider replacement rather than repair.

Prevent Future Leaks

Take preventative measures to avoid future leaks once your water heater has been repaired or replaced. This could involve routine maintenance checks, regular draining to remove sediment, or replacing parts like the anode rod before they fail.

Document Everything

For insurance purposes, document the leak through pictures, videos, and written descriptions of the damage and the steps you took. This can be crucial when filing claims and ensuring a smooth process.

Safety and Clean-Up

Always keep safety in mind. Avoid direct contact with water that may be electrically charged from the heater or scalding hot. Once the leak is addressed, thoroughly clean and dry the area to prevent water damage and mold growth.

Call Dial One’s Water Heater Specialists Today

Dealing with a leaking water heater can be stressful, but following these steps will minimize damage, possibly save money, and ensure that the issue is handled effectively. Call Dial One Sonshine at – (714) 826-5113 to get a quote for water heater repair

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